The vCIO Playbook

Watch this short video to see an overview of the content and available downloads.


Get the Course

Buckle up for growth with this lead generation magnet for your vCIOs! 

You'll learn everything from creating a Technology Roadmap, prepping for a QBR, to using Gap Selling to get opportunities across the finish line.

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Regularly $800.00


After this course, you'll be able to:

  • Create meaningful Technology Roadmaps for your clients with a pre-built, brandable template.
  • Dive into areas that generate the most leads from your QBR preparation.
  • Prioritize vulnerabilities using Risk Management Platforms and RMM (using Autotask & ConnectSecure reports).
  • Create a Hardware Refresh Program making budgeting easy for your clients.
  • Use a pre-built, brandable template with adjustable RAG status meters to deliver amazing QBRs.
  • Use proven Opportunity workflows in your MSP.
  • Use Gap Selling to easily close project work.
  • Define and measure success for your vCIOs.

What's Included in The vCIO Playbook?

Only the best hour and forty-five you'll spend learning as a vCIO.  You'll also receive nine downloadable deliverables including the brandable and client facing QBR Template.

Client Lifecycle & Technology Roadmap

Learn how you'll work with your client through the Client Lifecycle.  You'll also learn how to create a Technology Roadmap by reviewing information compiled for a fictitious business, ABC Client.

  • Learn the Client Lifecycle.
  • Review a completed Technology Roadmap for ABC Client.
  • Download the Technology Roadmap template.

The full QBR process with brandable template; from preparing, executing, and follow up needed after a QBR.

Download the brandable QBR Template and learn how to use it through preparing and executing a QBR with me for ABC Client.  

  • I'll get in the weeds with you on finding where to look.
  • Real report examples and data mining from Autotask, ConnectSecure (CyberCNS), and more.
  • I'll show you how to quantify the client's 'pain' so you can use it for Gap Selling.
  • Download the QBR Template & vCIO Procedure.

We'll take a journey together with ABC Client.  A client who recently onboarded and has ambitious goals.

Learn about ABC Client, an engineering firm who recently onboarded.  We'll set the stage by reviewing ABC Client's previous QBR, then review their previous quarter goals.

  • Learn from real life examples and scenarios, no holding back here.
  • Learn how to work through challenges with ABC Client's CEO, Jeff Bezos.
  • Coaching on how to word challenging topics.

Learn proven Opportunity workflows and activities.

No need to recreate the wheel!  Learn proven workflows around Opportunity management.

  • Opportunity Stages.
  • Opportunity Workflows.
  • Opportunity responsibility matrix.
  • Daily, Monthly, and Quarter activities.
  • Download templates.

Learn how to use Gap Selling to easily get projects across the finish line.

I'll show you the powerful concept of gap selling, then run through 4 examples from ABC Client's QBR.  the information from our research too use gap selling to .

  • Learn the Gap Selling concept.
  • Learn how to use the information from our research to help close project work.
  • Use gap selling in 4 real-life scenarios from ABC Client's QBR

Define what success looks like for your vCIOs.

Learn the KPIs, metrics, and common goals I used for vCIOs when running my MSPs.

  • Learn 3 great KPI's to drive the right behavior.
  • Learn how to measure those KPIs for performance reviews.
  • Download the Review Template with real-life vCIO data for reference.

I'm Paul Armstrong

"I am eager to share the knowledge, insights, and hard-earned wisdom I have gained over these years.

My mission is clear: to help MSPs of today and tomorrow thrive, excel, and build a future where clients are not just satisfied, but ecstatic about their services."